Wednesday, March 19, 2008

My Position

If you like you can ignore this first emotionally-fueled and highly sarcastic paragraph and skip to the real argument in paragraph two.

Do you remember the days when people were chosen for jobs based on merit? Thank our lucky stars those days are gone, because the idea that people who are skilled should be the ones who get jobs is SO 1920's. People need to know that when employees are selected in this way, the reprocussions can be disastrous. Things are just getting done all over the place. I hear that the companies who do this even make money! But the worst thing of all is that literally billions of innocent, unfit laborers are being denied these positions merely based on the negligible fact that they are not good at their trade. Well I am here to put a stop to this, and to tell the world that not skill level, but race and gender are the most practical criteria for the selection process in both colleges and the employment world. This way, we can be sure that efficiency will finally take a backseat to the more pertinent issue plauging our society since America was founded: inequality. Minorities are not equal to us European rich white males. And so we must help them get whatever jobs they wish, regardless of whether they know what they are doing or not. This is the only way to make them equal. It is simply wrong that a caucasian boy can be accepted to a major university when a Hispanic boy of equal age is denied, just because the caucasian boy got a 750 math and the Hispanic boy got a 520. It is a grave injustice that the 300-pound white marine is chosen for the job of a bouncer when a 100 pound black woman is denied. There is racism oozing out of this dire situation and it must be stopped. That is why quotas must be made to ensure that a certain number of members of each race is always employed at any given time. This is because the only kind of equality that matters is mathematical equality.

But seriously, the main argument here, and the one that cannot be refuted in any way, is that affirmative action is shockingly unfair no matter how you look at it. There is no reason that someone should be given an advantage (or a disadvantage) based on a physical trait like race or sex. Ironically, this is the definition of racism. Diversity is a good thing, but not at the expense of hard working individuals. Minorities should not be given shortcuts simply because they are minorities. And for all the people who say that they deserve it because of all the years of inequality, let me just say that first of all, none of what happened in the past is the fault of any of the hard working people alive today, and so they should not be punished for the crimes of people who may not have even been their ancestors. Secondly, two wrongs do not make a right. Now that the scale of equality has been leveled after a long time of being tipped toward the whites, it should not be tampered with or tipped in favor of anyone. This is one of the many reasons preferential treatment is wrong.


Claire said...

Haha, okay first off I really enjoy reading your posts. Especially your first paragraph. You cleverly throw in a bunch of the arguments that seem to be crucial for your position. I have a question, (an honest one.. not meant to sound like a know-it-all) what/how is the solution? For a country that HAS indeed had affirmative action for so long, how can we revert back without tipping the scale even worse? Basically- how do you propose it's fixed? I agree with a lot fo your points. In fact it seems to be even harder to succeed if you are the average white male who used to have a advantage. Think about it, two kids, one a boy, white, combined score of 1350 on the SATs, rigorous schedule, etc. the second kid, an Indian girl, same SAT score, same schedule, same grades in those AP classes, the latter has a better chance it seems just because she's got those two little boxes checked on her application.

Wow okay sorry for the run-on and total rambling-ness of that lol. But basically I agree with you and I am very curious to continue reading your posts/paper!

p.s. if you send the video tape they're making of easter service in with your college applications maybe that'll make up for the fact you're a boy. and white.. because they'll see you can dance. like a bird. hahaha

Matt said...

Your entirely sarcastic ramblings of the first paragraph made me smile here in the hot, humid depths of the computer lab. If this were anything else I would probably be bored to tears, especially if it was just like "hurr affirmative action sucks hurr." Your tone adds a sense of comedy that keeps the reader intrigued about your position.

That being said, however, a few more facts should probably be cited instead of generalizations. That gives more of a concrete rationale that you can further build your enthusiastic position upon.

Other than that, keep doing what your doing. I agree with you entirely that just because one's father happened to be a darker color of skin that the kid gets rediculous benefits in life. I might as well get a can of shoepolish and play the role. I'd have it made.

Matt said...

i triple posted! lolwhoops